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40 years of reform and opening-up

40 years of reform and opening-up


A few days ago, the reporter went to China Telecom Shaanxi Company and Yan‘an Branch. Through interviewing the experience of the new and old generation of telecommunications people, I fully felt and restored the contribution of China Telecom to China‘s communications industry during the 40 years of reform...

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Dig deeper into opportunities for autonomous control and innovation-driven

Dig deeper into opportunities for autonomous control and innovation-driven


The general background of China-US relations has promoted the development of the communications industry to accelerate into the key stage of upstream key chip devices and materials.The historical mission of the 5G stage is particularly prominent.The ICT industry is very urgent to upgrade to the highest level;...

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6G communication technology is expected to appear in 5 years

6G communication technology is expected to appear in 5 years


Russian media said that the Russian Software Development Association (Russoft) chairman and SafeNet working group leader Valentin Makarov said in an interview during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that Russian developers expect 6G communication technology to appear in about five years ...

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China Information Communication and Big Data Application Innovation Outstanding Achievement Award

China Information Communication and Big Data Application Innovation Outstanding Achievement Award...


On August 30, the "Fifteenth China Information Port Forum", sponsored by the People‘s Posts and Telecommunications Agency and the Jiangsu Communications Administration, supported by China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Tower, and China Information and Communication Research Insti...

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European communication industry calls for protection of diverse competition in 5G technology

European communication industry calls for protection of diverse competition in 5G technology...


On October 17th, four members of the four major parties of the European Parliament held an open debate on the theme of cybersecurity on the evening of the 16th. Liu Kang, the chief representative of Huawei‘s European Union agency, was invited to participate. The participants in the European mobile communica...

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Mobile communications in the 5G era will change your life like this

Mobile communications in the 5G era will change your life like this


On October 16, the first World Science and Technology Forum 2019 was held in Beijing by the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, and Wu Hequan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, published a keynote report entitled "5G opens a new era of mobile communications."...

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